St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. Year 6
    3. Notices for Y6

    Notices for Y6

    10 January 2020 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    Good afternoon,
    Just a few reminders for Y6. The staff and children are very excited about the residential to Robinwood next week. Please can you check the kit list to make sure your child has the necessary items. No sweets and no mobile phones please- I will communicate with you and let you all know when they have arrived safely and during the stay. If your child requires any medication can you ensure that it is labelled and handed to a member of staff on Monday before departure.

    The Parish Catechists have asked me also to forward a couple of messages. The final Confirmation meeting will be on              21st January at 3.15-4pm. There will also be a Mass of presentation w/end 25/26th January, where each candidate will be presented to the parish at either Mass Saturday 6pm or Sunday 10am. Please ensure that your child attends one of the Masses. Finally, the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place, as you know on the 6th February at St.Augustine's and the time has been confirmed as 7pm. 
    Enjoy your weekend everyone.