St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to

St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Science


At St. Patrick’s, our intent is that the teaching of science will foster pupils' natural curiosity about our universe and promote respect for the living and non-living. Our curriculum has been developed using Snap Science resources to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum through a breadth of awe and wonder inspiring learning opportunities. We aim to develop scientific knowledge and enquiry, vocabulary and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics  (and in making links to other curriculum areas). Our pupils will be  equipped with the scientific skills to understand the uses and implications of science for today and the future. 

Science Policy 23-24


St.Patrick's Long Term Plan 

Rec - Y6

Examples of Medium Term Planning 

Y1  Summer Term - Plant Detectives.

Y2 Autumn Term - What's in your habitat? 


Teachers will update you, about your child's learning in the subject of science in their termly class newsletter 


Resources to support science learning at home 

Below are a number of links to websites that offer support and resources to develop science learning at home. 

National Geographic Kids

Primary Science Teaching Trust

BBC Bitewise - Science KS1 - Y1 and Y2 KS1

BBC Bitewise - Science KS2 - Y3-Y6 KS2