St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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    3. Busy Week Ahead...

    Busy Week Ahead...

    20 October 2019 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    There are lots of events planned for this week so I thought I would just send a quick reminder. 

    Tuesday - School photo day                  

    Everyone looking smart and their very best. If you wish to have pre-school children photographed with older siblings then please arrive at 8.15am and we will try to get these done before school starts. 

    Wednesday and Thursday - Parent's evenings 

    You should have received a text that allowed you to book an appointment online for your child. Please book on if you have not done so already. I will be getting in touch with parents who do not make an appointment. We are delighted to announce that Mount St. Mary's High School will be joining us in the hall on both evenings. Please feel free to ask them any questions you may have regarding transition. We also have our annual Scholastic Book Fair this week. Books are available to buy on both evenings. 

    D-Side education are working in school this week on the importance of staying safe on the internet. D-Side staff will be staying on in the hall during the parent's evenings to answer any queries you may have. 

    Wednesday - FoSP meeting 8.45am in the hall      Please come and say hello and share any ideas you may have to help get the action get under way this year.


    Friday - Welcome assembly for our Reception children 2.30pm

    Parents please join us if you can. We will be officially welcoming our new Reception children into our school community. 


    Please note, school closes on Friday 25th October for half term. School re-opens Monday 4th November