St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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    3. Great start to the year!

    Great start to the year!

    6 September 2019 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    What a great start to the year we have had here at St.Patrick's! I have been overwhelmed by the welcome I have received from the whole school community. On Monday, in my Collective Worship I asked the children to act with a good heart and treat each other with kindness and respect. They have certainly shown this, in their relationships with each other, the staff and when they have introduced themselves to me. It has also been a pleasure to meet parents and carers at the Meet the Teacher meetings this week...just Y2 to go tonight. If you were unable to attend, you will be sent a copy of the main points discussed regarding your child this year. Please take the time to read it, the staff spent a long time preparing for these meetings. We are sending a copy of the yearly planner this afternoon with pupils - please display it somewhere at home. We will try as much as possible to not change the dates of events but sometimes things are beyond our control. I will also be putting important dates in the newsletter. The first newsletter of the year will be sent out next Friday. Reminder that our welcome Mass will be on Wednesday at 11am - please join us if you can. We also look forward to welcoming our new Reception children and their families into school next week.

    I wish you and your family a relaxing weekend and I will see you all on Monday... to do it all again!

    Mrs Claire Grady