St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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    3. New start

    New start

    2 September 2019 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    Dear Parents and Carers,

    It is with great excitement and a sense of pride that I write to you as the new Headteacher of St. Patrick’s.

    From the moment I visited St. Patrick's, I knew this was a very special place to learn and work. I visited many times in the summer term and have been impressed each time by the welcome, the well-mannered and respectful children, and the dedicated staff and governors. St. Patrick's is undoubtedly a unique school with Christ at the centre and I feel privileged to be leading it forward.

    This year will mark my 20th year in education firstly as a teacher, senior leader and for the last seven years as the deputy headteacher of another local Catholic primary school. I believe passionately in Catholic education and have the highest expectations for all the children in my care. Keeping Christ at the heart of our words and actions is integral to my vision and to all the staff and children here at St. Patrick’s. The Catholic life of the school is very important and we invite you to be part of this with us, as key partners of our community.

    Education is the key to success. Giving children the knowledge, skills and experiences they need to be ready for high school and to take their place in the world is paramount.

    I’m sure the year ahead will be both exciting and very busy. I will shortly be sharing the yearly planner with you. This has all the key dates and events. We are planning to celebrate a new school year mass together and once this is confirmed with Fr. I will share the date and time with you. It would be lovely if parents, carers and parishioners could join us for this special mass which marks a new chapter in the life of St. Patrick’s.

    I look forward to meeting you all in the coming weeks. Please come up and say hello when you see me on the playground. I will be making it my growth mindset challenge to learn as many names as possible this half- term...wish me luck!

    With warmest wishes 
    Mrs Claire Grady
