St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

Welcome to

St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. Reminders


    14 June 2024 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    We have a number of events that parents are invited to attend coming up between now and the end of term so I will send a weekly reminder. Next week we have;                                                                                                                                      

    Monday 17th June – Spring Music Concert  in the hall – 2pm – The children from Y2 and Y3 and the School Choir (Y4) will be singing. The school band will also be playing and Y5 and Y6 will be showing their skills on the melodicas. Parents are welcome to attend. Please arrive at the playground gate at 1.55pm. 

    Tuesday 18th June -  Celebrating Our Culture Day - Children are invited to wear traditional dress/ colours of their flag/ sports kit that represent all the places in the world we are from. Instead of donating money we are asking that all children donate a bottle for bottle stall. It should be a bottle of something nice e.g wine, pop, bubble bath. A bottle you would want to win as a prize. 

    After school on Tuesday at 3.10pm we are inviting parents to view our art work from Arts week which will be on display in classrooms and the corridors of school. Please enter through the main doors on the playground. 

    As part of culture day we are holding our family picnic after school and tickets have been on sale for £2. A letter came home this week. You can still purchase one for your family on Monday. Please bring your picnic ticket with you. We do have lists of those who have purchased a ticket in case you forget. You must bring your own food and drink and a rug to sit on. It was lovely last year to see many families sharing food. We will also have samples of food from around the world on sale. There will be a number of stalls including a plant stall selling plants grown in the school polytunnel, a tuck shop and a bottle stall.

    And finally if any parents are available at 2.45pm on Tuesday to come into school and read a story to your child's class in your home language we would love to hear from you. Please speak to your child's classteacher on Monday. We are a language rich school - let's celebrate this!  

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Have a lovely weekend 

    Mrs Grady