New School Year - Wednesday 7th September2 September 2022 (by Claire Grady (c.grady)) |
We are looking forward to welcoming the children in Y1-Y6 back on Wednesday 7th September. Our new Reception class will be joining us at different times during the first week - all Reception parents have received a separate letter about their induction into school.
As stated in my last newsletter on 21.7.22 the school gate will be opened at 8.30am. Children must be supervised in the playground until 8.40am when the school bell will ring. Classes will line up and children will enter through the main doors. Rec and Y1 will enter their classrooms via the side entrance.
The school doors will close at 8.45am - it is important that all children are in by this time. Once the doors close any children arriving after this time will have to be accompanied to the school office - they will then be recorded as late. We need to avoid lates and make sure all children are in school every day and on time. I will be monitoring attendance closely as we begin the new year. The arrangements for the end of the day will remain the same.
Meet the Teacher meetings will take place in school 3.15pm-3.45pm and are as follows -
Y1 - Thursday 8th September
Y2 - Thursday 15th September
Y3 - Friday 16th September
Y4 - Wednesday 14th September
Y5 - Tuesday 13th Septmber
Y6 - Friday 9th September
Please try to come to the meeting for your child/ren. Key messages about the class, including routines and curriculum content will be discussed. Children can be left with additional staff who will supervise them outside whilst you attend.
After- school clubs will not commence during the first week back. A letter will be sent home upon our return detailing what will be offer.
The school calendar 22-23 was sent home with the end of year report but it is also on the school website.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday bright and early and ready for learning!
Mrs Grady