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The Week Ahead 7.12.21

7 December 2021 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

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Good afternoon,

I hope you all are well. Just an update following last weeks newsletter. We are nearly at the end of a very challenging first term but one that has thankfully, seen no disruption to our children's learning due to Covid. We want this to continue and that is why we continue with caution and ensure we deploy our risk assessment. We have had to make the difficult decision not to invite parents in to view our Christmas presentations due to rising cases in Leeds and in the local schools.                                            We will however be recording the Rec and KS1 nativity and this will be made available their class Google Classroom page. We are hoping to upload this on Wednesday 15th December.                                                                                                          The KS2 Carol Concert will be 'live streamed' next Thursday 16th December at 11am (change of date from newsletter). I will send the link next week via the mobile app.                                                                                                                                      Christmas Dinner day this Friday - a letter went home inviting children to order a dinner if they usually have packed lunch. The children will remain seated in classes for this. All children can come to school dressed in Christmas jumpers/clothes.                  A letter is coming home today about class christmas parties next week.                                                                                          Advent fundraising is continuing this week and next - please support your child's class wherever you can. Separate texts have been sent to classes about this. 

Reminder - No after school clubs next week and school closes on Friday 17th at 1.15pm for Rec/KS1 (+siblings) and 1.30pm KS2. School re-opens Tuesday 4th January.