St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. The week ahead - National anti-bullying week

    The week ahead - National anti-bullying week

    15 November 2021 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    Good morning,

    This week is national anti-bullying week. We are having a special focus all week in school and this began in assembly this morning. With the help of the school council we are hoping to produce a child friendly guide all about bullying and what we do at St.Patrick's to stamp out incidents of bullying.

    Y4 parents/carers who have asked for their child to be enrolled on the First Reconciliation programme will meet on Tuesday at 3.15pm in the Church. The dates for further meetings will be given then. 

    Open afternoons for the new Reception class - September 2022 are taking place this week on Tuesday and Thursday - please phone the office if you require a place. 

    We have the road safety team in on Wednesday working with all the classes - they are also doing a special focus day with Y4 later on this term 

    This Friday is a non-uniform day for Children in Need day - please send in a donation to support this worthy cause.   

    Thank you for all your poppy donations last week. Y6 treated the school to a wonderful reflective Remembrance assembly. Thank you staff and Y6 pupils.