Mission Week 2nd-5th November3 November 2021 (by Claire Grady (c.grady)) |
As you will have read in my last newsletter this week is mission week in school. We are celebrating all that we are and all that we do to show 'Christ be within me'. Special activities have been planned by the children through the school council, the mini-vinnies and with the help of the staff. Each day has a different focus beginning with community yesterday. The day began with every child and adult planting a bulb in the prayer garden. Everybody did extra jobs to help in and around school. As a result we now have the beginnings of an environmental group in KS2 who are now on their own mission! Today the focus is prayer and we began by gathering together online in prayer. Tomorrow we are celebrating being of service to others. Irish health and homes are coming in to collect our harvest donations, which we are making into individual hampers. Work also begins on the new school mosaic designed by the children. Weather permitting we are hoping that parents/carers will be able to place some tiles on it at pick-up time. The week concludes with Mass on Friday at 9.30am. Due to Covid only a small number of children will be going over to church. Please log on to to the parish website www.stpatrickschurchleeds.org.uk where you will find the live stream link.
Note the link to the flu immunisation consent form has now closed. If you wish for your child to be vaccinated please ring 0333 3583397 Option 2 - Ext. 3. This service is run by the school immunisation team not school.
Thank you