St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. School Closed Until Further Notice

    School Closed Until Further Notice

    4 January 2021 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    It is with a really heavy heart that I write to inform you that school is now closed as of today. We will not be open tomorrow to any pupils. This closure is completely beyond our control and we are sorry that it has come so late in the day. All learning will now move online from Wednesday. Rec will work on Tapestry and Y1-Y6 on Google Classroom. It is critical that you log on and engage with your child's class teacher to ensure that your child does not miss out on vital learning. We will be contacting parents next week if you have not logged on to help with any issues you may be having.  

    We will able to offer limited childcare places for key worker children from Wednesday. Please contact school in the morning if you are a critical worker and require this support - only use it on the days you need to and when you have no other childcare support within your bubble. This is to protect our staff and to limit the number of people who need to be in school.

    I will be following government guidance regarding free school meals and this will most likely continue as a weekly supermarket voucher. 

    Finally, we are giving parents/carers the opportunity to collect a learning pack and your child's Google Classroom log in letter tomorrow. Just as you did when collecting end of year reports, please enter the main playground and collect it from staff who will waiting. If you have children in different classes you will be able to collect theirs at the same time. Please ensure you wear a mask when on site and leave as soon as you have collected the information. 

    Rec - Y1 - Y2 - 1.00-1.30pm

    Y3 - Y4 - 1.30pm -2pm

    Y5-Y6 - 2.30 - 3pm 

    This is an incredibly difficult time for you all and I am beyond upset tonight but ultimately we have to protect our communities and stay home. I will keep you updated of any further developments. 

    Take Care

    Mrs Grady