St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

    1. News
    2. Merry Christmas To All Our Families

    Merry Christmas To All Our Families

    18 December 2020 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    The Staff and Governors at St.Patrick's want to wish every family a very happy and holy Christmas and all the very best for 2021. This term has certainly had its challenges but it has all been worth it to get the children back and learning in class, whilst supporting one another through these difficult times. Thank you for your well wishes and gifts - most kind of you. We know that you appreciate the hard work that it has taken to organise the school and to remain open each day.
    Going forward please take care and read the information in the last newsletter (sent 14.12) regarding rules related to Christmas. Can you please ensure you keep us up to date of any positive Covid cases in your household throughout the holidays? - this is really important. Use and a senior member of staff will call you. 

    School closes today at 12.45 R-Y2 and 1pm Y3-Y6 - please collect on time.

                                                                                                                                                                          Free School Meals - All those eligible should now have received vouchers from Wonde - £15 yesterday and £15 today. Each child is receiving £30 to cover the holiday period. Please follow the instructions about redeeming the vouchers. 

    One final treat for you - there will be a link added later on today - main website opening page - to the Christmas production - Christmas Around the World. Miss Owen and Miss Ingram both worked incredibly hard putting this together and it runs seamlessly; they were assisted by the other staff too - thank you everyone. Even a pandemic can't stop St.Patrick's from delivering something very special!
    Take care and enjoy watching it with your family
    Mrs Grady