St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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    3. Positive Covid Cases in School

    Positive Covid Cases in School

    16 November 2020 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    I am writing to inform you that we have had two positive cases of Covid over the weekend -two children have now tested positive, thankfully, both only have mild symptoms. Both classes were informed immediately and are now closed for two weeks. I uploaded a letter for the wider school community late last night and that letter still applies. All other classes remain open. 

    Children from Y2 and Y5 should not enter the site during this period but if they have siblings who remain well and symptom free then they can attend school. 

    Please communicate with school if your child or a family member tests positive or has symptoms. The school phone lines are open during the day with the facility to leave a message and the email is checked regularly on an evening and over the weekend, as is your child's Google Classroom account. A senior member of staff will then phone you to talk through your situation. 

    We need to remain vigilant and make sure we keep up the practice of - hands (washing regularly)  - face (wear a mask on site) -  space (try to keep 2m from other adults). We need to all play our part to halt the spread of the virus and keep school open. 

    Take care everyone 

    Mrs Grady