St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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St Patrick's Catholic Primary School

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    2. School News
    3. Monday Update

    Monday Update

    9 November 2020 (by Claire Grady (c.grady))

    Good afternoon, 

    I hope you all remain fit and well. I am hoping to get a newsletter out at the end of the week but here are just a couple of updates. 

    Keeping school up to date - Please ensure you let school know if your child is off school and the reason for their absence as soon as you can. When you phone school you will be given two options - 1 to report absence and 2 to speak to the office. If you press 1 please make sure you leave your child's name, class and the reason why they are off. We now have two phone lines in school so this should make it easier on a morning to report any absence. 

    Remembrance Day - We will be observing a period of silence on Wednesday to remember those who have given their lives in service. Y6 led us in a lovely virtual assembly today - very prayerful. The children will have the opportunity this week to make special prayer intention cards for those they have loved who have passed away. 

    Children in Need 13th November - It is Children in Need this Friday and we are asking that children come to school in bright clothes to mark the day. If you can spare a donation, we will have a collecting plate in each class and will forward a school donation to this special charity.  

    Y5 First Holy Communion Classes - Tuesday 10/11 and Thursday 12/11 these will be in the hall and are for the children in Y5 who have returned their forms. The classes will finish at 4pm and children will leave via the playground.

    Have a good week and take care everyone